What are the requirements to move to another state with my children?
There’s a large body of Florida law on this particular topic, which concerns the relocation of minor children more than fifty miles from their current residence. There’s a Florida statute which contains factors to be considered by the court. Trying to analyze any particular case without knowing the facts is nearly impossible.
It is really important, prior to the time that you want to relocate, that you meet with an attorney to do a full case analysis. One thing is for sure, though. Prior to embarking on this type of a procedure, you have to give the other side a particular kind of notice that is prescribed within the Florida statutes. You don’t want to mess up when providing that kind of a notice.
Thereafter, the analysis is very factually intensive and these are usually very difficult cases because you end up with a winner and a loser. In general, the more legitimate the reasons for leaving, and the more necessary those reasons, and a computation of whether or not such a move would be in the minor child’s best interests, are big factors to be considered by a court when making such a decision.