Modifying and Enforcing Your Dissolution of Marriage Agreement (Part 2)

View part 1 of this post here.

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There are many situations that can occur to make you consider legal enforcement of your dissolution of marriage decree. Most people think only those whose ex is avoiding the payment of child support need the services of a top divorce lawyer to help them. However, so many of my clients require a consultation regarding enforcement for other reasons, I thought I’d share some of them with you.

Reasons You May Want to Enforce Your Divorce Decree

There are many ways your ex-spouse may violate the Final Judgement of your dissolution of marriage decree that may be grounds to have a petition for a violation filed. (There are also other enforcement avenues based on your specific situation.) In each of these cases, you need to speak to an experienced divorce lawyer to find out the best way to proceed for your circumstances. You will need legal advice if:

  1. You are denied your agreed upon visitation rights.
  2. You have been the victim of repeated harassment as outlined in the “don’t harass me” provisions of your divorce decree.
  3. Your ex refuses to release to you any of those things listed in your Final Judgement.
  4. Your ex refuses to move out of a home where you were granted exclusive residency in your decree.
  5. Your name was not removed from a mortgage or other debts as ordered by the court.
  6. Your ex is failing to pay alimony or child support.

These are not the only reasons to discuss your enforcement options, just some very common issues we have encountered before.

If you are considering a dissolution of marriage, consult with a lawyer who has experience in collaborative divorce, mediation, and traditional adversarial divorce so you can receive insight on which type of divorce may be right for you. Seek out Tampa divorce attorneys with the knowledge you need. Seek out S. David Anton of the Anton Legal Group.

David Anton is a third generation Tampa Bay attorney who has handled all aspects of dissolution actions since 1985.