Florida family law generally presumes that a child born during a marriage is the biological child of the husband. For children who are born out of wedlock, however, paternity must be acknowledged in an affidavit executed by parties presenting themselves as the child’s biological parents. After being acknowledged, the child and his parents are entitled […]
Kids, Pension, and Spousal Support in Military Divorces
Military couples suffer from different issues than the average couple. The stress of relocation, separation, and uncertainty frequently causes military marriages to crumble. While there are many resources for military couples, it can be difficult or embarrassing to seek information about divorce. Oftentimes, service members and their spouses feel that they are to blame for […]
Top FAQs about an Uncontested Divorce in Florida
In the State of Florida, many couples will choose to file for what is called an “uncontested divorce”. There are a lot of questions about uncontested divorces in our state, many of which we hope to clear up today. Is an Uncontested Divorce the Same as a Simplified Divorce? No. While both are more cost […]
Father to Pay $101K in Back Child Support Payments
In early 2016 a Florida man was ordered to pay more than $101,000 in back child support payments. 51-year-old Jeffrey Kingman of Fort Lauderdale was ordered to pay $216 a week in child support in July 2007. Between August of that year and March 2011, Kingman had made 57 reduced payments of varying amounts totaling […]
Equitable Distribution Questions Raised after High Profile Florida Divorce
One of Florida’s high profile longest-lasting couples have filed for divorce. After 28 years of marriage, socialite Jodi Dickinson filed for divorce from Bob Dickinson, the retired CEO of Carnival Cruise Lines. The reason stated was “irreconcilable differences”. The papers also showed that she is asking for alimony. The two have no children together. What […]
What You May Not Know about a Jewish Divorce
For those who are not of the Jewish faith, going through what is often referred to as a “Jewish divorce” may seem unnecessary. After all, in the state of Florida, having a Jewish divorce is not recognized as a legal way to divorce one’s spouse and civil divorce procedures still need to be followed. But […]
What Constitutes High-Income Divorce?
In the Western world, including the United States, marriage is a common part of life, with statistics estimating that more than 90 percent of individuals will marry before reaching age 50. Though many marriages may appear built to last, the sad reality is that divorce is also a common experience across Western cultures, especially here […]
Florida Governor Vetoes Family Law Proposal, Cites Contentious Child Custody Clause
Earlier this year, Gov. Rick Scott of Florida vetoed a new state family law proposal, citing a highly contentious child custody component. The veto marked the second time in three years that the governor axed the legislation. The proposal, which sought to create a formula for setting alimony payments, became hotly contested after it was […]
Keeping the Family Business through Florida’s New Collaborative Divorce Law
Florida Governor Rick Scott recently signed into law HB 967 also known as the “Collaborative Law Process Act”. The new law officially recognizes the collaborative procedure, such as collaborative divorce, as an alternative method of resolving disputes between former spouses, instead of traditional litigation. This process is based on the principle that the spouses are […]