A 12-year custody case, has lost yet another judge with the removal of Judge Manno Schurr by the Third District Court of Appeal.
Schurr’s departure makes a total of six judges who have presided over the custody proceedings. Although the five judges before Schurr recused themselves, Schurr refused to step down, and was later removed by the appellate court, without a formal writ.
According to the courts, Schurr was removed as a result of the attorney’s motion for recusal, which came in the wake of accusations that the judge opened a highly inappropriate line of questioning. According to the attorney, who is representing himself in the custody dispute, the line of questioning initiated by Schurr was discriminatory, causing him to feel “attacked”.
No new judge has been officially assigned to the case. However, the appellate panel in the decision urged Schurr’s future successor to determine whether or not to end the 12-year old dispute.
Child Custody and Time Sharing in Florida
When a marriage is dissolved, and there are children involved, the issue of child custody, or time-sharing, comes into play. Time-sharing refers to the dividing of a minor child’s time between the two parents. Although it has gone by many names over the years, time-sharing keeps in mind that each parent has equal rights and responsibilities with respect to the minor child, even if time is not split equally at 50 percent.
While child custody and time-sharing may have been very different years ago – fathers were typically the primary earners and providers, regardless of custody agreements – the evolution of the American family and our collective society means that awards for equal time sharing are increasingly more common.
Arguments can be made for increased or diminished custody or time-sharing, but will need to be supported with evidence that demonstrates why the other parent is not deserving of more time, or why the arguing party deserves the vast majority of custody.
If you or someone you love is involved in a divorce where child custody is an issue, or if you are embattled in an ongoing dispute, it is critical that you seek out a qualified attorney, who can help protect both your rights as a parent, and the child’s rights.
The attorneys at the Anton Legal Group are your premier legal resource when it comes to child custody and time-sharing disputes. Our attorneys are well versed in the nuances of family law in the state of Florida, and can provide the sound legal advice you need regarding your custody case.
Regardless of your situation, the legal team at the Anton Legal Group is prepared to help you reach a resolution that is favorable, not just for you, but for your children as well.
We are here to assist you today. Call us at (813) 443-5249 to schedule your initial consultation with one of our family law experts to assess your case.