Your divorce is finalized and your former spouse is ordered to pay you money. What do you do when you are unable to collect your money within the time frame ordered by the Court? Or you have a judgment against someone and you want to collect on it because the person/company is refusing to pay […]
In the News
Can I Get a Divorce Without Spending Every Dime I Have?
There are many ways to conclude a dissolution of marriage action without spending a small fortune. The ideal situation is when you and your soon to be former spouse are in agreement about the terms of your divorce prior to filing your court case. This is common amongst litigants who understand that wanting to part […]
Parental Alienation – How Much Can the Courts Handle?
In the simplest terms, parental alienation is a disturbance of a child’s affections toward one parent wherein the child will often view one parent as the “bad” parent and one parent as the “good”parent. A range of behaviors can manifest, in the form of psychological, emotional and physical. The effects on the family unit can […]
What and how can I change the terms of my Final Judgement?
Time moves on quickly…things change, our needs change, children grow older, as well as our abilities to meet demands change as we age. What may have been financially feasible ten years ago may not be the case now. There are many instances where a modification to a final judgement would be proper. Keep in mind, […]