How is the amount of child support determined in Florida?
Child support in Florida is determined by a formula. That formula can be found in Chapter 61 of the Florida statutes. There are a variety of inputs that go into the formula to give you the correct amount of child support. Those inputs include the net monthly income of the father, the net monthly income of the mother, the amount of time-sharing or overnights each of the parents have. It also includes the cost of daycare, if any, and who pays it, the cost of health insurance, if any, and then who pays it. After that you come up with the basic amount of the obligation of child support payable by one side to the other side on behalf of the children, which amount can only be deviated by 5% by a judge unless they find certain circumstances. On top of that basic obligation, you may also have an obligation to provide life insurance for the benefit of the child should one of the parties decease.